API reference for MonSQL

There’re several basic concepts in MonSQL:

The MonSQL API is organised as follows:


The Database manages operations such as create or drop tables, truncate table, return a table object. It has several subclasses implemented for different databases. A Database object should always be obtained through :py:function:’MonSQL’:

>>> db = MonSQL(host='localhost', port=3306, dbtype=DB_TYPES.MYSQL)
The monsql.table.Table class is the main class for interacting with data in tables. This class offers methods for data retrieval and data manipulation. Instances of this class can be obtained using the Database.get() method.

The QuerySet class is a lazy-load object for representing data. A QuerySet object can turn into a new QuerySet object by adding filter, setting limits, etc. Read all rows in a query set is simple, just:

>>> queryset = table.find(...)
>>> for row in queryset:
>>>     # do something

A wrapper class for more readable codes. It works like this:

>>> queryset = table.find(filter={'id': {'$gt': 10}}, fields=['id', 'name'])
>>> for row in queryset:
>>>     print row.id, print row.name


class monsql.db.Database(db, mode='manual')

Database wrapper for interaction with specific database


Close the connection to the server


Commit the current session

create_table(tablename, columns, primary_key=None, force_recreate=False)
  • tablename: string
  • columns: list or tuples, with each element be a string like ‘id INT NOT NULL UNIQUE’
  • primary_key: list or tuples, with elements be the column names
  • force_recreate: When table of the same name already exists, if this is True, drop that table; if False, raise exception
drop_table(tablename, silent=False)

Drop a table

  • tablename: string
  • slient: boolean. If false and the table doesn’t exists an exception will be raised; Otherwise it will be ignored

Return a Table object to perform operations on this table.

Note that all tables returned by the samle Database instance shared the same connection.

  • name: A table name
Returns:A Table object

This is used internally inside the class Implemented by subclasses, because different database may use different table class


Check whether the given table name exists in this database. Return boolean.


Return a list of lower case table names. Different databases have their own ways to do this, so leave the implementation to the subclasses


Execute raw sql :Parameters:

  • sql: string, sql to be executed
Return:the result of this execution

If it’s a select, return a list with each element be a DataRow instance

Otherwise return raw result from the cursor (Should be insert or update or delete)


Enable/disable foreign key check. Disabling this is especially useful when deleting from a table with foreign key pointing to itself


Delete all rows in a table. Not all databases support built-in truncate, so implementation is left to subclasses. For those don’t support truncate, ‘delete from ...’ is used


class monsql.table.Table(db, name, mode=None)

A collection of related data entries in columns and rows. This class should not be directly constructed. Instead use Database.get(‘table_name’) to have a table returned.


The columns property.


Ends current transaction, making permanent any changes made.

count(query=None, distinct=False, distinct_fields=None)

Returns the number of rows satisying a criteria, if provided.

  • query: specify the WHERE clause
  • distinct : boolean, whether to use DISTINCT()
  • distinct_fields : list or tuple or strings. Each string is a column name used inside COUNT(). If none, ‘*’ will be used.
Return:int, the number of rows
find(filter={}, fields=None, skip=0, limit=None, sort=None)

Searches the table using the filters provided.

>>> users = user_table.find({'id': {'$in': [10, 20]}, 'age': {'$gt': 20}}) # Complex query
>>> user_count = len(users)
>>> for user in users:
>>>     # Do something...
>>>     print user.id
>>> users = user_table.find({}, sort=[('age', monsql.ASCENDING)]) # sort by age

Also support complex operators:

>>> {a: 1}                                  # a == 1
>>> {a: {$gt: 1}}                           # a > 1
>>> {a: {$gte: 1}}                          # a >= 1
>>> {a: {$lt: 1}}                           # a < 1
>>> {a: {$lte: 1}}                          # a <= 1
>>> {a: {$eq: 1}}                           # a == 1
>>> {a: {$in: [1, 2]}}                      # a == 1 or a == 2
>>> {a: {$contains: '123'}}                 # a like %123%
>>> {$not: condition}                       # !(condition)
>>> {$and: [condition1, condition2, ...]}   # condition1 and condition2
>>> {$or: [condition1, condition2, ...]}    # condition1 or condition2
  • query(dict): specify the WHERE clause. One example is {“name”: ”...”, “id”: ...}
  • fields: specify what fields are needed
  • skip, limit: both integers, skip without defining limit is meaningless
  • sort: A list, each element is a two-item tuple, with the first item be the column name and the second item be either monsql.ASCENDING or monsql.DESCENDING
Return:a QuerySet object
find_one(filter=None, fields=None, skip=0, sort=None)

Similar to find. This method will only retrieve one row. If no row matches, returns None


Insert data into the table.

>>> user_table.insert({'username': 'Jude'}) # Insert one row
>>> user_table.insert([{'username': 'Andy'}, {'username': 'Julia'}, ...]) # Insert multiple rows
  • data_or_list_of_data: Either a dict or a list of dict
Return:id or list of ids of inserted row

Removes rows from the table.

  • query(dict), specify the WHERE clause
Return:Number of rows deleted
update(query, attributes, upsert=False)

Updates data in the table.

  • query(dict), specify the WHERE clause
  • attributes(dict), specify the SET clause
  • upsert: boolean. If True, then when there’s no row matches the query, insert the values
Return:Number of rows updated or inserted


class monsql.queryset.QuerySet(cursor, query)

Lazy load data


Only return distinct row. Return a new query set with distinct mark


Add new filter to the query set. Note that since QuerySet is lazy, it would just combine this filter with the original filter with an ‘AND’ :Parameters: - filter: a dictionary :Return: a new QuerySet object

limit(n, skip=None)

Limit the result set. However when the query set already has limit field before, this would raise an exception :Parameters: - n : The maximum number of rows returned - skip: how many rows to skip :Return: a new QuerySet object so we can chain operations


class monsql.queryset.DataRow(keyvalue_map)